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Upload traffic counts for staff planning

It appears you can estimate staffing levels if you have traffic counts by store by hours. We have that data in CSV or XLSX. is it possible to upload that data for each store to your system on a routine basis for staff planning? If so how does that upload work (FTP being our preferred method). Thanks Phillip

How to send location data with curl?

If geolocation data is required for clock in/out, what data is the API v2 expecting that data in? I'm trying to use curl from a bash script to clock in/out, but location data is required, and I'm having a hard time finding in the documentation how the API expects that data to be supplied. Thanks!

Center Edge POS system

Hi, I would like to know if you have a way to integrate Humanity to my Centeredge. We are not happy with the way the employee scheduling works on this system and I have used Humanity before. I suggested it to my owners and they wanted me to find out how we can use this with our current system. Payroll, scheduling, sms text etc. Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone. Thanks, S. Blake Hughes Sr. General Manager.

Updating positions during employee's daily shift

Is there a way for Humanity's API (v1.0 or 2.0) to be able to update multiple positions per employee per working day if you adjust one position? I have a situation where employees that work a 8h shift have multiple positions and making a change to one position for an employee means making multiple changes and I am trying to see how this can be improved. In my opinion, the API should be able to understand that: 1. Employee "X" works 8h 2. Employee "X" has two positions that both equal 8h "Position A and B" 3. If I adjust position "A" then position "B" should update it's time so that the sum of the daily shift for employee "X" is 8h I have skimmed through the API documentation and the closest thing I found was the schedule.wizard. Any input, feedback or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Using API to Get Timeclock Entries for an Employee

I have used https://www.humanity.com/api/v2/timeclocks, but that returns a complete list of all timeclocks. I am more wanting to get timeclock data for one employee. I tried posting employee=<employeeid> to https://www.humanity.com/api/v2/timeclocks but I received an error : "Your request is missing a required parameter","error":"missing: start_date" So I added to my post: employee=<employeeid> start_date=2019-09-19 I now received an error: "Your request is missing a required parameter","error":"missing: start_time" So I tried: employee=<employeeid> start_date=2019-09-19%2000%3A00%3A00 Which resulted in the same error of: "Your request is missing a required parameter","error":"missing: start_time" What am I missing to get all timeclock data for an employee for today? Thanks!

Connect to Humanity API from Chrome Extension?

I'm wondering if it's possible to connect to the Humanity API through a Chrome extension. It seems like the API's CORS policy blocks the request. I attempted to add the extension's URL (`chrome-extension://uniqueIDNumberHere`) as the redirect URL in the Humanity API setup, but still ran into the CORS problem. The exact same attempt seems to work from Postman, however. Is it possible to connect directly from an extension? And if so, how would I go about that?

Integration of Gusto payroll

Would it be possible to connect Gusto (our payroll tool) and Humanity to simplify the entry of our payroll?

How to add Open Discussion Forum on my Website

I just want to add Open Discussion forum on my website, which is related to <a href="https://trackingsinfo.com/hellofresh-order-tracking/">hellofresh order tracking</a> so that our support members and clients discuss their issues directly instead of using any other app such as skype and zoom. <a href="https://trackingsinfo.com/hellofresh-order-tracking/">hellofresh order tracking</a>

Zendesk Integration

How do I connect Humanity with Zendesk to capture data and give us insights on our forecasting and number of agents required etc.

How to fetch details of only those employees who work in shifts?

How to fetch details of only those employees who work in shifts?