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Non expiring access token

Hi I'm using Humanity API V2. I would like to know how to get a non expiring access token Thanks

Help w/ api V2 authentication

Hi, I'm trying to follow https://platform.humanity.com/v2.0/docs, but there are some inconsistencies. I have three questions. So far. :) The text says I need: [client_id] of your application, [redirect_uri] of your application, ***[company_id] - of one of the companies which user belongs to, [grant_type] - 'password' [username] - your username [password] - your password But the screenshot of Postman shows: client_id username password grant_type redirect_uri ***client_secret The company ID doesn't appear on the postman screenshot and client_secret isn't listed in the text. Oh, and the url in the screenshot is wrong, but that's minor because the one in the text works. So my first question is what fields are needed? No matter what fields I use, I get this error: { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "The grant type was not specified in the request" } But grant_type is specifically listed in the keys in postman. And I'm not sure what should go there. I've tried 'password' since it was in quotes I assumed it was a string, not an instruction. I've tried my application's password. I've tried my password. And various combinations. But I still get the message that grant type wasn't specified. I would assume that if it were an authentication issue, I'd get a bad name or password error like I've gotten in the past. Authenticate first, then authorize. So my second question is what should I use for grant_type? And finally, do you have a timeline for when we need to move to V2? Thanks, Bob

Error: The grant type was not specified in the request

I've looked at the guide and even two other examples of this error. I seem to be doing it correctly, however, in each instance i continue to get the invalid error "invalid_request". { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "The grant type was not specified in the request" }

How do start_date and end_date work for schedule.vacations

If I have the following query: { "module":"schedule.vacations", "method":"GET", "request":{ "start_date":"May 10, 2017", "end_date":"May 15, 2017", "mode":"manage" } } How do the start_date and end_date parameters work? Am I saying get me all vacations that have a: *start date = May 10, 2017 AND an end date = May 15, 2017? *start date after May 10, 2017 and an end date before May 15, 2017? *start date OR end date in between May 10, 2017 and May 15, 2017? *something else? Based on the example in the documentation, it seems that the answer is the third option, however, the responses I'm getting from my instance of Humanity based on this understanding don't always match up with what I see in Humanity. I'm not sure if timezones are throwing off the results or not, but it would help to be clear on exactly how the start_date and end_date parameters work.

API v2

How can i make a toḱen automatic or make one that dont expire so fast (2 weeks)

Can not call the dashboard.onnow function

For some reason, I can not call the dashboard.onnow method. I am trying to use this automatically send out a message when someone is more than 30 minutes late. I see a variety of other methods including getshifts, getMessages, creatShifts, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Timezone setting from API

Under Settings, Account I can see the timezone setting. How do I get the same from the API? From the settings endpoint I see a timezone and timezone id of 132. Is there a way to look up what 132 means?

How do I connect my Humanity data to Excel?

I want to connect my data (preferably the Crib Sheet, but if not then just a basic view of the schedule) to excel. I already have an API key set up. How do I utilize the API to connect to excel?

Humanity Api V1

Hi , while using api v1 i am not able to get the json response , it always return Html page of v1, below is my query. url = "https://www.humanity.com/api" payload = "key=XXXXX&module=schedule.shifts&method=GET&username=username&password=password" headers = { 'accept': "application/json", 'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'cache-control': "no-cache", } response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers) print(response)

Humanity through Slack

Hi - Do you have an integration with Slack that notifies on slack channel when team members login to their shifts on Slack.