Batching in v2?
Does the v2 API support request batching like the v1 API does?
Documentation on GET Shifts
Can someone elaborate on what filters work with each mode for GET Shifts?
Is there REST example to get access token using API?
How do start_date and end_date work for schedule.vacations
If I have the following query:
Integrate with Salesforce
Do you have example of how to integrate with salesforce?
Authenticating using REST - keep on getting the web page and not json
This code we're using in Python 3.6 will not give us any json or token, just the html of the api web page as the content of the response:
availability.available module ignores the date parameter
The availability.available module ignores the start_date parameter and returns the user's next date with Future Availability set. For example, I set the start_date to April 28, 2018 and data for April 15th was returned.
PHP Authentication not working
Shift Requests by Employee
The v1.0 schedule.shiftrequests method doesn't have a field for the employee.
Open Shifts by employee
I'm attempting to use schedule.shifts with mode:open to get a list of all upcoming, open shifts.