
Ask a Question

Is there another API simialr to api/v2/employees/unique_id/{uniqueId}?


Authentication without user/password

Hi. Is there a way to authenticate without user/password? My company needs to ingest Humanity data but the authentication is by OKTA and can't enable user/pass for security reasons.

Report integration with Google sheet

Hi, I am trying to integrate reports from Humanity to Google sheet to get the real time data, I am assuming I have to integrate this through the API. Would it be possible to guide me on this, as I am fairly new to APIs.

Get Shifts pagination

Hi folks,

Employee GET request to have a query parameter by email

Do you have it on the roadmap to have Employee GET request to have a query parameter by email?

Shifts and leaves in one API call

Hello folks,

How do I get information about multiple employees by their id?

I need to fetch this info in one API call. This API works for me ( https://www.humanity.com/api/v2/employees/{id}), however I have to make multiple calls which takes a lot of time to fetch all the information. How do I fetch all in single API call?

My question is that please how do I be part of humanity as employee and how how will I apply for it and how do I get access to my app

please I need small light about humanity and how will I be part of it and part of their employees please someone should help me and I want to get access to my app in my state


Is there a sandbox/test environment that is accessible to test API commands without affecting our production site data?