API Endpoint URL discrepancy.
I found the following inconsistency in Humanity API v1.0 documentation:
In https://platform.humanity.com/v1.0/docs/getting-started-with-humanity-v1-public-api
Issue when trying to post new employees
Whenever I use the API to create a new person, I am met with this error:
Issues while getting Employee Clockin and Clockout
All coding language such as PHP, Javascripts showed 404 error
Hi our team would like to check APIs and try to link the system. However, we found all the links are disabled under "Settings" in "Data API" section. All coding language such as PHP, Javascripts showed 404 error, and we can't find the content.
API Questions.
Hi Kathy, I'm trying to get data using the Humanity API
sending a list of employees or leave to create in Humanity
Hello, I am trying to send a list of employees or leave in 1 request to your API rather than a single request for each one as this will be a large volume of requests.
API Response MetaData
API v2 Leaves Endpoint
Colour customization options.
Was wondering if we could have anything other than a solid colour. Say, a picture - or maybe even an animated .gif
3rd party software - card swiping - used instead of manual clicking
Good morning,