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API V2 token not working for Get WorkUnits


JSON availability data not reflecting availability changes in Humanity

I'm using API V1.0 and pulling availability data using availability.weekly - I can pull successful data for all our staff here easily. However if I make changes to someone's availability in Humanity, then approve those changes, and then pull fresh JSON data, this JSON data does not reflect the changes that I just approved in Humanity.

Automated Reporting

Good morning, we're trying to get reports from this system and another system into a MSSQL database, would using your API (v2 I assume would be recomended, but when I select that this question form goes to a forum) be a good way to do that? We know PHP and SQL pretty well between us.

Difference Between Data API and APIv2

Hi Support,

Report on a 'disabled' employee using timesheet_summary API


Enumerators in API

Using the employees/:id endpoint I can see the pay type and employee type of an employee as an integer. Looking at the UI, I can easily determine what the values mean. However, is there an enumerator I can call which describes what they mean, instead of having to look at the UI and just figuring it out?

API Errors

hello, I'm looking to utiilize the data api (api v1) and I'm having some trouble sending a simple post request to login, I was wondering if I'm using the wrong api url?

How to send location data with curl?

If geolocation data is required for clock in/out, what data is the API v2 expecting that data in?


How do I get around CORS?

Whenever I use Postman or curl or pretty much anything other than a production codebase to send a token request according to the documentation (to https://www.humanity.com/oauth2/token.php), I get the token back, no problem. But when I try from the browser, I always hit the CORS response saying "no CORS header is present on the requested resource).


Connect to Humanity API from Chrome Extension?

I'm wondering if it's possible to connect to the Humanity API through a Chrome extension. It seems like the API's CORS policy blocks the request. I attempted to add the extension's URL (chrome-extension://uniqueIDNumberHere) as the redirect URL in the Humanity API setup, but still ran into the CORS problem. The exact same attempt seems to work from Postman, however.