Can I GET objects (Employees, Positions etc) updated after a certain time?
I would like to GET objects from the API that have been updated since a defined time. Is there a way for the API to filter requests or must I do that on my end somehow? Thanks!
Shift changes
Is there a way to get the history of shifts or events when these change? I need to find a way to compare what was planned vs. what was approved (after changes).
Authentication Failed - You do not have permissions to access the service
Hi, I am writing a windows application and tries to upload time clock data, I am admin of my account. I am not sure if credentials matter while generating tokens and based on tokens you can interpret permissions.
timeclocks API
Getting past shifts - Not clocked in
Hey everyone,
Appointment System
Can I integrate Humanity with my current front end appointment system?
API Endpoint "GET TIMESHEETS REPORT", Location = "0"
Hello, am I missing something regarding how this endpoint works? In the confirmed timesheets report within the Humanity application, the physical location is listed under "Location" but when I use this API endpoint, it always returns "Location = 0". Am I missing something?
Break scheduled and reminder notifications
Hi, My company has been using you for a LONG time. Since the early "shiftplanning" days :) I've built a sick automation via Zapier google sheets and Slack to identify ideal times for breaks based on position, shift times, shift length and how many others are working within the same position and/or shift. As I know break schedules and notifications is on your roadmap, and we would LOVE for this to become a native feature, I'd be happy to give a run through to someone (ideally who can do something with the info) from your team. Let me know if you'd like to find a time to connect.
API source
I'd like to connect to Microsoft Power BI with Humanity in order to track the data being collected. If you could please help me figure this out I would appreciate it.
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