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Auto update CRM through Humanity API

My name is Fernando
I’m confident that pushing data from our CRM to Humanity’s system through the API that Humanity provides won’t be a problem.

However, I’m concerned about how the changes made on Humanity will reflect to our CRM.

I understand that it’s possible for our CRM to send GET requests through to Humanity’s API and retrieve the information needed, however, that doesn’t give us the level of automation that we need, because we would need out CRM to spam get requests to keep the shifts updated or implement a “refresh” button that would have to be pressed manually.

I’ve drew a quick diagram that illustrates how we would expect it to work.

See this diagram: http://prntscr.com/o1r4yh

In the scenario illustrated above, from right to left, a contractor cancels his/her shift and that triggers an action on Humanity’s system that will then update the information in our CRM through our CRM API. Let me know if this is possible

In other words, Humanity would need to send a POST/PUSH request to update the information in our CRM when a shift is cancelled/modified.

Is this something that Humanity would implement? If not, what are our other options?