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GET shifts filtered by position

How can i get all active shifts available for certain position ? Is there a filter for it ?

Always Getting 101 rows from Vacation Schedule data?

I'm working to pull Humanity data into our BI tool domo through its available integration. When trying to pull in Vacation/Leave schedule data we get only 101 rows returned, which is not the case for Shift data and am at a loss as to why. I've so far not found any obvious API documentation which addresses this, though I have read through the endpoints related to leave data.

Weekly Timeframe Availability

Hi, I am currently trying to access weekly timeframe availability, but I keep getting an incorrect permissions error. I'm using an admin account, has this API call been disabled? If not help would be very appreciated.


Shift Location Mode Filter

Hello, I am trying to filter shifts via a location id, but it doesn't seem to be working at all.

Timing of employee wage?

Hey everyone,

Using API to Get Timeclock Entries for an Employee

I have used https://www.humanity.com/api/v2/timeclocks, but that returns a complete list of all timeclocks. I am more wanting to get timeclock data for one employee.

Throttle Limit

What is the throttle limit for api requests and when does it refresh? I'm using the put shift request to add employees to shifts and keep running into the error message
"Throttle exceeded - You have exceeded the max allowed requests. Try again later"

How to get a List of ** ONLY Active employees**

As per our requirements, we need to distinguish the employees as per their status.
To do that we are sending requests as follows,

Filters for Get-Shifts API


Integrate Humanity with Tableau

Hi folks,