API 1.0 timeclock.timesheets doesn't pull timesheets for all employees, only myself?
about 2 years ago by Lee Jieun
I'm using Python and API 1.0 to do a humanity pull request using timeclock.timesheets - so I can track past employee adherence (clock ins and outs) to their past schedules and see how closely they match, for payroll purposes.
I can successfully make the pull request, using the following parameters:
formData = {
"method":"GET", "token":thisisthetoken,
"period":"Last 7 Days",
When I retrieve the result, the data in there is exactly what I'm looking for, BUT it's only for the same login that my Humanity API token is for. I don't need my OWN timesheet data, that's silly! I need the timesheets for the actual employees over the requested period. How do I do this?
(Also the parameters for "period" are a bit limiting, could we get "last 2 weeks", "last month", or even the ability to specify our own start and end dates?)