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Request for TIMECLOCK end point to contain type1 & type2 event timestamps

In the endpoint https://platform.humanity.com/reference#get-timeclocks
(which returns bulk data across multiple timeclocks) there is a field "break_time" returned which is a float (perhaps integer).

However, if you want to know the timestamp bounds associated with the break time you need to go to the Timeclock Event endpoint (https://platform.humanity.com/reference#get-timeclock-event) and make a request per timeclock ID to get the type_1 and type_2 events (which are associated with the calculated break_time field).

I want to be able to get this information all at once so when I see a break_time field I know what the timestamp bounds are associated with it.

I suppose there could be multiple breaks, thus multiple start/ends which might explain why it's in a seperate event endpoint, but to make an individual request per timeclock to get this data is pretty unfeasible for me and my ETL pipeline.

I'm asking if there is a way to represent this data within the timeclock endpoint.