Can not call the dashboard.onnow function
For some reason, I can not call the dashboard.onnow method. I am trying to use this automatically send out a message when someone is more than 30 minutes late. I see a variety of other methods including getshifts, getMessages, creatShifts, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Help w/ api V2 authentication
Is there a problem with api login, 2017-09-28?
I've been connecting to the api all morning with the humanity sdk for php, but about 2 hours ago I started getting a message that the login failed. This is happening in dev and in production. The code in production hasn't been changed for at least 4 months.
Integrating Humanity with multiple instances of app
We have multiple instances of an app that we would like to integrate to a single Humanity account. Is there a recommended way of creating multiple instances of our Humanity account so that we can avoid having separate accounts for each of our QA, staging, and live environments?
CORS Support required.
Hi, I'm trying to use your API form my Web application. In this case I need to do requests dirrectly from browser. But security policy in all modern browsers prevents this. To make this happend we need to use CORS. It's easy to implement on your side. It's necessary to add header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * ' or 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: {HOST_NAME}' in case when request contains header 'origin: {HOST_NAME}'.
User required?
Hi, we want to display a list of staff currently working on a kind of dashboard.
It works perfectly, but do I really authorize as a user?
Notifications Control
Getting more specific data:
Hey there.