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Shifts being returned by the schedule.shifts module

When I make an API request for the schedule.shifts module for a whole month I have some shifts being returned that are not being returned when I make an API request for the same module for a specific singular day. These are shifts that are deleted. Is there a reason for that?

Token Authentication v1.0 using Postman

When I submit a POST to
Parameters: None
Authorization: None
Headers: None
Body: Raw JSON:

TLS 1.0 /1.1/ 1.2 Support

We recently made changes to our allowable cipher list. Now, after years of flawless integration, we can no longer access your API service.

Integration with Power BI

I'm developing a reporting solution for a client using Power BI and would like to know if there's a connector with Humanity.
If not, any suggestions or ideas about how to get started? I'm new to Humanity.
Thank you.

Avalability and Future Availability all users in one request

I am in need of getting the availability for all our active users. Currently the api shows only per user availability. This is very very slow on our ends, because requesting 10 users at the time takes minutes. So i need to know how to pull all the users in one request and cache it locally for a certain amount of time.
P.S. Doing a cache for 500+ users with the current api does not seem a way to go.

Issue creating user with API

Hello, I've had a fully functional tool I've developed that with other functions include creating accounts to our Shiftplanning domain.

reports.custom API

I am using the reports.custom module to pull a timesheet report. I would like to add the id and positions field to the request. However, it is not a field that is listed in the API documentation. The following works but only includes the fields listed below (the only fields that I see in the API documentation).

Access API as an employee

Is there no way to access this API as an emply of an organization?

What is the difference between timesheets and confirmedtimesheets?

What is the difference between type=timesheets and type=confirmedtimesheets apart from the fields in GET Custom Report API?