What does the "Needed" parameter stand for in the shifts object?
Hi I'm a developer at the theparkplayground working on an application that's requesting data from the API of our humanity account. The goal is to automatically create shifts based on bookings from our own booking API. However shifts have an integer parameter called "needed". I can't find any documentation about this parameter, so my question is: how should I interpret it?
Documentation I'm currently using:
- https://platform.humanity.com/reference#get-shifts
- https://platform.humanity.com/reference#post-shift
Also 2 more general questions:
1 Most of the API documentation only lists the required parameters and data types. This is good enough to get a basic grasp at what the data represents, but more detailed documentation would be useful (and needed, like in the case of the "needed" parameter). Is that available somewhere?
2 Why are some ids and unix timestamps formatted as strings? The only logical reason I can think of is that you exceeded the limit of the largest integer and had to store them as strings? Not a deal breaker, just a bit annoying.